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How to Stay Motivated This Winter

Written by Carissa Corbett | Nov 11, 2019

When the cold weather rolls in and the skies get dark earlier, it can feel especially hard to leave your warm bed in the morning or drive to the gym after work for a sweat session. We're here to help you stay motivated throughout those long winter months! Hanover Center Personal Trainer Carissa Corbett is sharing her best tips for keeping up with your fitness through the holidays and beyond.

Rise & Grind

Get your workout in first this in the morning before you tackle your to do list. You’ll be more likely to stick to your routine and eat healthier if you start the day off right.

Put It In Your Calendar

Schedule your workout in your calendar whether that’s a cycling class, yoga class, or your own routine. Put in your phone like it’s any other appointment so it’s non-negotiable! If you plan for it, you’ll be more likely to get it done.

Clothing is Key

Pick out your clothes for your morning workout the night before. You’ll be less likely to skip that workout if you don’t have to think about what to wear or where you put your running shoes. Put everything you need to work out by your bedside so you just roll out of bed, grab your keys and go!

Work With What You Got

It’s okay if you can’t make it to cycling class or do an hour long strength training session every day. Do what you can! Even just 15 minutes can help you maintain your fitness level. Ask a personal trainer to help you with a quick HIIT workout or do 15 minutes of intervals on the rowing machine or bike (30 seconds sprinting, 30 seconds resting).

Get Outside

Grab your coat and gloves and head outside for a walk. It’s a walking meditation especially if you’re by yourself with no phone or distractions. Plus, you’re getting some sunlight which is proven to boost your serotonin, AKA happiness! Or, grab the dog leash and kids and make it a family outing!

Grab a Friend

Find a friend that will hold you accountable for showing up to the gym or that will join you on those walks outside. Better yet, sign up for personal training! Get accountability, nutrition guidance, motivation and change up your workouts. Either way, find that someone to support you!

Keep It Interesting

Try that m’bala class that you’ve been considering or try a different instructor for your usual group fitness class. Keep things interesting! It will keep you excited and you never know, you may find a class you didn’t think you would like. Take advantage of your two complimentary personal training sessions that every member gets with their membership! Our trainers will be able to guide you on what needs improvement and how to vary your workouts.

Buy New Workout Gear

It’s like an early Christmas present for yourself that helps you stay fit! Buy yourself a new pair of leggings or workout shirt and show it off at the gym. Check out the O2 Shop for exclusive O2 gear!

Get Enough Sleep

Adults need about 7-9 hours of sleep each night but most adults get 6 or less hours. Sleep is important for overall health and muscle recovery. Too little sleep can make it harder for your body to regulate essential functions like appetite control, immune system, and your ability to maintain a normal weight. So get to bed at a reasonable time and turn off those electronics (decrease blue light exposure before bed).

Remind Yourself Why It's Important

Last but not least, remind yourself why it’s important for you to workout and remain healthy. Exercising on those gloomy winter days will help boost your mood and help you get a better night’s sleep. Find your why!