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5 Tips to Kick Off a Strong Training Plan

Written by O2 Fitness | Apr 02, 2018
Warm weather means race season is upon us! Get ready for race day with these 5 tips to kick off a strong training plan.


When you make your training a top-of-mind focus, the people around you will help you stick to your goal. Share your goals with co-workers, your boss, and your family. This will help with your training mentality in many ways. The support you need to get motivated to hit your training mileage comes from the people who surround you. When you say you are going to run 5 miles out loud it is easier to tie those laces and hit the pavement. Also, your friends and family need to start coming up with cheer signs that will make you laugh around mile 8 on race day!



As you increase your mileage and the temperature turns warmer be sure to stay hydrated. Run with a handheld water bottle that you can find at a local running store to keep your muscles flushed and functioning. Small sips of water during your run is a much better formula than chugging water before you head out. Water sloshing around in your stomach is not ideal, so bring your water with you. Check out this article to learn how much water you should be drinking per day. 



Eat a snack that is power packed with protein, carbohydrates, and a healthy fat. If you run before you eat breakfast grab half a banana and a spoon full of almond butter. If you run after work, fuel up with a snack at 4pm. Think apple with cottage cheese or hummus and red pepper slices. As you increase your mileage your hunger will increase as well.  Fuel your body with calories rich in nutrients and check out food blogs like www.confessionsofafitfoodie.com and www.skinnytaste.com to add healthy and filling recipes to your weekly routine. 



Incorporate hill workouts, squats, and lunges into your training. Include two days of cross training into your weekly workout schedule that includes strength training.  If you haven't done so already check out the course map and you will understand the benefit of having strong legs on race day. You will be shocked by the time you can shave off your PR (personal record) by focusing on the strength of your legs. Working with a personal trainer is a great way to push yourself to new heights and both reach and exceed your goals.



Keep your calves, quads, and IT bands loose. Stay injury-free by taking care of your muscles - they are, after all, carrying you 13.1 miles in a couple of months. Keep your training routine fresh by joining a gym such as O2 Fitness and take advantage of yoga classes, stretching clinics, and personal training sessions that are all included in your membership. Tight muscles are prone to injuries. A combination of drinking water and foam rolling will help break up the lactic acid and fascia build up which causes you to increase your gait, increase mobility, and help your legs rebound faster.