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Member Transformation: Rob

Written by O2 Fitness | May 21, 2018

"Be patient. Lifestyle changes don't happen overnight."

Great things take time. Like with any long-term change, perseverance and patience pay off, leading to an amazing transformation. Just ask Rob!

Rob is a member of O2 Fitness James Island in Charleston, SC, and through commitment, unwavering focus, and help from his fitness community, he’s gained 15 pounds of muscle and immeasurable confidence. 

What was your ‘a-ha’ moment that made you decide to make a change?

I don’t think I had a specific ‘a-ha’ moment. I just wanted to get healthier. And I signed up for O2 Fitness because of all the locations in Charleston. That was 2013. I haven’t looked back. 

How did you begin to make the change? What worked for you?

Getting in a routine worked best for me. Hardest part was getting started. Once I started going. Also, don’t be afraid to ask for advice. Whether it be a friend, someone at the gym that knows what they’re doing, or a personal trainer. I didn’t have much of a plan or idea of what I was initially doing in the gym. So I reached out to people that did. And eventually I found what worked best for me. That’s the thing - everyone’s body will react to different workouts/diets. So it may take a year or two before you really find what works best for you. Be patient. Lifestyle changes don’t happen overnight. 

What was the most significant or surprising change you felt?

Energy increased. Confidence increased. And I had to buy new jeans because my legs grew so much.  

What is your maintenance plan?

I’m strict with my nutrition and with the tracking of my macros. I use a 40/40/20 (40% protein, 40% carbs and 20% fats). Tracking your food helps keep yourself accountable. 

What was O2’s role in your transformation journey?

Having a gym I could go to no matter where I was in Charleston. When I first joined I lived in Mount Pleasant, worked downtown, and worked part-time in West Ashley. No matter where I was, there was a gym within a few minutes’ drive. 

What have you learned through the process?

That change doesn’t happen overnight. And what works for one person may not work for me. It took time to figure out what my body reacted to. That includes nutrition and exercise. It wasn't an easy task.

What would you tell someone who wants to make a change? How would you inspire them to finally go for it?

Don’t talk about it. Be about it. If you have a goal, the only person preventing you from reaching that goal is yourself. The resources are out there if you need them. O2 has phenomenal trainers. And every gym is full of people that would be willing to offer guidance. The fitness community is amazing. Everybody wants to help everybody reach their goal. So don’t be afraid to ask a stranger for help. You’d be surprised how much information you may receive. Also, if your goal is to lose weight, I wouldn’t focus on the actual pounds lost. Instead, focus on pant size. That will be more accurate.


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