Many of us who need physical therapy or need to see a physiotherapist don't ever get PT.
Are you one of the people that are missing out?
In less than 2 minutes, our physiotherapy quiz will tell you:
Start the quiz by answering "YES or "NO" to the following questions. Keep track of your answers to see your results at the end!
Remember your answers? If you answered "YES":
You definitely need to see a physiotherapist!
You probably would benefit from seeing a physiotherapist.
2 or Less
You should consider scheduling a physiotherapy screening.
If you're a generally active person, you may have already asked yourself if you should see a physiotherapist or a physical therapist.
Even if you're not exercising 5 or 6 times a week, many factors go into how physiotherapy could benefit you and help you maintain a healthy lifestyle!
A simple screening with a physiotherapist can help identify, address, and plan sustainable ways to help reduce many types of aches and pain and fix imbalances while helping you better understand your body and how it functions!
If you are in extreme pain, have an acute injury, or cannot function properly (you can't walk, move an area of your body, or are in so much pain you can't move throughout your daily activities without extreme pain), definitely seek help and treatment from an M.D. first!