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Spring Into Action with an O2 Fitness Personal Trainer

Written by O2 Fitness | May 23, 2012

Written by: Drew Schultz, Personal Trainer/Kinesis Instructor @ O2 Fitness Falls/540

It's getting close to summer and by now you may be more conscious of the weather change outside, and how you may be participating in extracirricular activities.

What changes, if any, have you made? Are you spending more time outside? What activities or exercises are you performing? Do you enjoy running outside? Have you thought about training for a half marathon? Do you have knee pain when you run? Are you playing sports? Are you playing with your children outside? Are you doing yardwork? These are all activities that put your body in unconventional positons- positions that we are not used to in daily life.

Finding the Right Personal Trainer

This is where the right personal trainer can help- particularly with functional training. We will show you how to safely move the body in space, mimicking positions that you will assume in your favorite outdoor activities.

Maybe you plan not much more of a change other than to wear short sleeves during the summer months. Well, lets make those arms and shoulders the envy of the neighborhood. Feel like the back of the arms (triceps) are not as firm as they could be? Want sculpted shoulders that pronounce you to be someone who takes their fitness seriously? Consult a personal trainer, and you will learn new exercises to "arm" you for this task.

Summer months = more cookouts and time with friends and family

An O2 Fitness personal trainer can also give you pointers on how to lean out your diet- what has proven so effective for us. We can also set you up with the healthy and delicious Custom Fit Meals, which give you nutritional accountability- and take the guess work out of it for you.

Let's spring into action, because the time is now!