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The 4 Minute Workout!

Written by O2 Fitness | Apr 27, 2011

By Andy Orwig, Personal Trainer at O2 Fitness, Brennan Station

Everyone, you may think that being in the gym for 30, 60, 90 minutes is the absolute prerequisite for adequate energy expenditure to lean out, lose fat and get toned. However, I know of a workout or two that can get you there when you're in a pinch for time and just can't make it to the gym some days.  It's known as the TABATA METHOD.  It incorporates both anaerobic and aerobic endurance and strength, in a small amount of time, which allows trainees to take advantage of many exercises in under 4 minutes.

You can perform up to 3 rounds of the following protocol, but it's at your discretion.

You will need: 2 Mild to heavy-resistance bands or 2 Dumbells and a stop-watch or second-hand clock:

  • Squat to Rowe:

(holding the bands, squat low and as you come up perform a Rowe motion)

Time Performed: 20 seconds as fast as possible   Rest Period: 10 seconds

  • Squat to Upright Rowe:

(squat low and as you rise pull the bands high near your cheeks)

Time Performed: 20 seconds as fast as possible   Rest Period: 10 seconds

  • Alternating Straight-arm swimmer:

(leaning at the waist, keep your arms straight, and press the band down past your hips)

Time Performed: 20 seconds as fast as possible   Rest Period: 10 seconds

  • Straight-arm swimmer:

(double-armed version of the above)

Time Performed: 20 seconds as fast as possible   Rest Period: 10 seconds

  • Bicep Curl:

(Standing cable bicep curl)

Time Performed: 20 seconds as fast as possible   Rest Period: 10 seconds

  • Tricep Kickback:

(leaning over, elbows at your side, press the bands back)

Time Performed: 20 seconds as fast as possible    Rest Period: 10 seconds

  • Tight Wood-Chopper:

(Standing 90* to the side, hold both handles out from you, elbows in tight. Rotate away from the main resistance in short bursts)

Time Performed: 20 seconds right side, 20 seconds left side   Rest Period: 10 seconds

YOU'RE DONE!!! If you did this correctly, you should be pretty winded, but not overly exhausted. Remember, rest periods are exact and you must stay within this :10 rest range to make this effective.  As stated before, you CAN attempt 3 rounds, but do you REALLY want to?