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Trainer Tip: Foam Rolling

Written by O2 Fitness | Sep 13, 2018

Muscle soreness, be gone! Ever wondered what those black tubes are for that you see on the turf? After a long, hard workout, foam rollers will become your new best friend. Loosen up those tight muscles and reduce soreness with these foam rolling tips from VP of Fitness Will Mann.



Workout: Foam Rolling

Targets: Calf, Glutes, and Lats

Personal Trainer: Will Mann, Vice President of Fitness

Foam Rolling the Calf

1. Sit on the floor with your calf placed on a foam roller.

2. Push your leg forward and pull it backward while rolling the foam roller under your calf.

3. When you feel a dull, uncomfortable pain (not a sharp pain), stop rolling and place the opposite calf on top of the shin. 

4. Apply pressure and hold for 30-60 seconds.

Foam Rolling the Glutes

1. Sit on the foam roll with your right or left glute.

2. Gently roll back and forth on the foam roller until you find a sensitive area.

3. Once you do, cross the opposite leg onto the other and apply pressure for 30-60 seconds.

Foam Rolling the Lats

1. Lay on your side with a foam roller situated just underneath your armpit and arm straight out. Your body should be perpendicular to the foam roller.

2. Using your opposite hand placed on the floor in front of you, roll up towards your hand and back towards your feet until you find a sensitive area.

3. Once you do, apply pressure and hold for 30-60 seconds.