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What is Bodystep? O2 Fitness Explains the Advantages

Written by O2 Fitness | Apr 08, 2010

Submitted by Casey Johnson, Group Fitness Manager, O2 Fitness @ Fuquay Varina

Fitting in a workout seems to get harder and harder every year.  Most people are stretched to the limit with family, friends, and work. All too often, we have to settle for a quick workout that gets the job done but isn’t always as fun or as challenging as we’d like.

Did you know that many of the group fitness classes offered at O2 Fitness offer a total body workout to achieve both cardiovascular and strength training goals?  If you are in need of a fitness makeover or just need a new challenge, consider BODYSTEP.

What is BODYSTEP like?

BODYSTEP is offered in either a 45 minute “Express” format, or the traditional 60 minute format.  It uses a height-adjustable step and incorporates simple, yet effective and powerful movements on, over and around the step.  BODYSTEP classes incorporate a variety of training intervals with active recoveries, and muscular endurance training, so that the work loads are achievable for all levels.  Best of all, BODYSTEP instructors offer all participants options for increasing or decreasing intensity and impact, so that each class can be tailored to the individual, and each person can build his or her fitness level appropriately.

What are the health benefits of BODYSTEP?
BODYSTEP helps to improve cardiovascular fitness when practiced regularly.  Training at higher intensities, even for short periods of time within your workout, helps your cardiovascular system to become stronger and more efficient.  BODYSTEP participants on average train within 65-90% of their maximum heart rate, which ACSM recommends to maintain and improve cardiovascular health.  Maintaining excellent cardiovascular fitness helps to reduce blood pressure, increase good cholesterol (HDL), decrease “bad” and total cholesterol, improve heart function, decrease resting heart rate (meaning your heart doesn’t have to work so hard to fuel your body at rest), and increased utilization of fat.  The bottom line?  Cardiovascular fitness is the KEY component to living a healthy lifestyle.

Does BODYSTEP use weights?  How does it build strength and endurance?

BODYSTEP uses a person’s own body weight as the method of resistance training.  By continually stepping during class, participants are promoting strength in the lower body muscles such as the glutes, hamstrings, quads, and calves. Options for coordinating arm movements are also provided for additional upper body strengthening.  With all that, plus cardiovascular fitness, BODYSTEP really is a total body workout!

But that’s not all!
BODYSTEP also helps to improve coordination and agility, it helps to improve bone density by placing appropriate load on the body outside of normal daily activities, and helps to improve postural stability by promoting increased core stabilization.  Continually challenging the mind and body through new skill sets, has also been suggested to decrease risk of Alzheimer’s and stroke.

BODYSTEP is appropriate for all fitness levels, regardless of your fitness goals.  It can even be done during pregnancy!  For best results, Les Mills International recommends participants take two to three BODYSTEP classes per week, with at least one rest day in between classes.  For more detailed information about BODYSTEP and to learn the moves, go to www.lesmills.com.

Check out what times BODYSTEP and other cardiovascular, strength training, and mind/body fitness classes are offered weekly by going to www.o2fitnessclubs.com and clicking on “Classes and Programs,” to find the O2 Fitness Club nearest to you.

Have fun and we’ll see you in class!