7 Ways to Use the Sled in Your Next Workout

Dec 07, 2022 | Gym Tips 7 Ways to Use the Sled in Your Next Workout

Learn new ways to use the sled during your next workout!

Whether you're looking for a new way to get a quick cardio burn or some intense strength training, the sled is your secret weapon! While a new piece of equipment like this can look a little intimidating, it's very easy to use and can take your fitness game to the next level.

The personal training team at O2 Fitness Friendly Center provided us with some super-effective training moves to do with the sled in your next workout. Take a look and let us know which one you will try first! 

Sled Push


How to do it:

Load up the sled with weight. Grab the poles halfway up or higher, so your body is at a 45-degree angle. Engage your core muscles, keep your arms locked, and start pushing the sled forward. Extend your hips and knees as you move forward while keeping your feet around hip-width apart. 

PRO TIP: Focus on moving your feet as if you’re running.

Sled Sprint


How to do it:

Similar to setting up for the sled push - Grab the poles halfway up or higher, so your body is at a 45-degree angle. Engage your core muscles, keep your arms locked, and back straight. Start pushing the sled by running as fast as you can.

PRO TIP: This is about explosive speed, so heavyweights aren’t necessarily better for this move!

Bunny Hop Sled Push


How to do it:

Use a medium amount of weight for this exercise. Hold the bars of the sled with your arms extended. Keeping your core tight and spine neutral, crouch low with your feet hip-width apart. Lean slightly forward and take short hops or jumps forward while pushing the sled (avoid skipping!)

PRO TIP: When you land each jump, squat down a little further to get that extra bit of burn in your leg muscles.

Bear Crawl Sled Drag


How to do it:

Load the sled up with medium to heavy weights and attach a belt or some form of a strap that can fit around your waist. Once attached to the sled, get into a bear craw position (on your hands and balls of your feet) and being crawling forward.

PRO TIP: You don't need to be moving fast during this move. Go slow and focus on engaging your core muscles and being exact with your movements.

Sled Pull


How to do it:

Add weight and attach a rope or TRX Bands to the sled. Stretch the bands as far from the sled as possible so the straps are pulled tight. Stand facing the sled with a slight bend at the hips and knees. Keep your back straight and core tight as you being to walk backward, pulling the sled down the turf.

Pro Tip: Focus on using your legs to pull the sled, not your arms!

Bicep Curl Sled Pull

BicepCurlSledPullHow to do it: 

Add weight and attach TRX bands to the sled. Stretch the TRX bands as far from the sled as possible, so they are tight. Start by standing, so you face the sled and are holding the bands with your palms facing one another. Keep your upper arms as parallel to the ground as you can, and curl the straps toward you by activating your biceps.

PRO TIP: If you feel like your biceps aren't doing much work, you might be standing too high! Bend your knees more or even get into a squat to get full bicep activation.

Sled Row


How to do it:

Add weight and attach TRX bands to the sled. Stretch the TRX bands as far from the sled as possible. Stand facing the sled with your arms extended and a slight bend in your knees. Use a row movement (similar to how you would on a low-cable row machine) to pull the sled toward you. Once you complete a row, take a few steps back so that the straps are tight, and row again.

PRO TIP: If you want to improve your POWER, then pull with one explosive movement and do fewer reps. If your goal is STRENGTH, then pull slower with more reps.

Y Raise Sled Pull


How to do it:

Stand facing the sled with the TRX bands pulled tight. Start with a slight bend in your knees, a neutral spine, and straight arms at hip level. Focus on pulling the sled by raising your arms completely overhead to finish (as if your body is making a big Y.)

PRO TIP: Keep your arms straight as you pull the sled toward you, so it's better to use no weight or light weights when performing this move!


The sled can make for a pretty tough workout, but that doesn't mean you should shy away from using it!

Learn more ways to use the sled in your current routine in a complimentary session with a personal trainer or head to your club for a free clinic where you can experiment and learn how to use more equipment like the sled from our team of professionals!

Written By: O2 Fitness