Do your feet hurt? Do you have sharp pains or burning sensations when you step out of bed in the morning? Do the bottoms of your feet prevent you from doing some of the things you used to really enjoy like running, jogging, sports, hiking, etc.? Have you asked your ...
What is Plantar Fasciitis? These are all things we hear as personal trainers at O2 Fitness. Do you think you might have plantar fasciitis? Are you worried it will keep you from exercising? Are you concerned it will keep you from achieving your fitness goals? Do not ...
We all love starting our day on the right foot! At O2 Fitness we believe that starting your day out powerfully leads to success in every aspect of your life. If your first thought when you stand up out of bed is, “OUCH!” or some expletive version of that, we are here to ...
Back-to-school season is always a busy one for parents and their families. From extracurricular activities and sports games to new school schedules, it can be difficult to find time to maintain your fitness routine amidst the day-to-day obligations. O2 Fitness is here ...
When you commit to a new gym membership, you want to ensure that you are signing up for a gym that you will actually attend regularly. This makes it important that you feel comfortable with the facility, connect with the instructors, benefit from the classes, enjoy the ...
If you are in the beginning stages of a new fitness journey, you might be wondering, “Which workouts are designed for beginners?” The experts at O2 Fitness are here to help! While all of our fitness classes are easily accessible and modifiable to participants at every ...
Are you on a mission to build a better booty? The glutes are the largest muscle group in your body, so it's crucial to train this area consistently for the good of your overall fitness. Whether you're looking to alleviate lower back pain, run faster and harder, or rock ...
Are you working through the O2 Booty Challenge? Before you pile on the weight, safety comes first. A common misconception about weight training is that weight matters the most. While lifting the appropriate amount of weight and increasing it over time is important for ...
Are you incorporating glute training into your fitness routine? You should be! Not only does strength training in general increase overall mobility and muscle mass, but it also helps to prevent injury. Since the glutes are among the largest muscles in the body, ...