Are you working to grow your glutes? While you should plan on spending time in the weight room, don’t forget about complementing your lifting routine with cardio. Not only does cardio boost your heart rate to help with fat burning, but certain cardio exercises can also ...
Every emotion has a physical sensation. Far too often the gym evokes shame, fear, guilt, stress - when the machines and the building don’t pull those emotions from you - culture does. The gym and the equipment inside are tools to use to help make you stronger. What if ...
Dear Valued Members, We know that the past six months have challenged everyone in many ways. As a country we want to do what is right, do what makes us feel safe, yet the information surrounding COVID-19 continues to change as we continue to learn more. In some cases, ...
Dear Valued Members, Time has frozen and flown by all at the same time. We wanted to give you some insight into the projects, initiatives and efforts O2 Fitness has taken over the past four months. Let’s recap......
Why are you passionate about fitness? Changing lives! If that does not fire you up, I do not know what will. Seeing people’s reactions when they hit their goal for the first time is such an exciting feeling. It's like seeing the spark rekindle and lights another fire ...
Dear Valued Members, I want to take a moment to discuss what O2 Fitness is doing for our team members and how you can help during these unprecedented times. The necessary closure of all our clubs has required many difficult decisions. We have retained as many team ...
We have been constantly monitoring the situation regarding the COVID-19 virus and making decisions based upon the health of you, our team and the community as a whole. This morning, based on advisories from federal, state and local governmental authorities, we have made ...
March 17, 2020 - 10 a.m. All Clubs Temporarily Closed We have been constantly monitoring the situation regarding the COVID-19 virus and making decisions based upon the health of you, our team and the community as a whole. This morning, based on advisories from federal, ...
Charleston is well known for its unique characteristics, including its culture, history, dining, sight-seeing, and architecture, to name a few. However, Charleston is also home to a popular gym and fitness scene. Learn more here about the gym offerings you can find in ...
Preparing for the holidays with a new gym membership is a significant stride towards a healthier you, but learning to use new equipment might seem intimidating at first. You can review your local gym’s training offerings and group fitness classes to help get you ...