If you are injured, living with pain, or just not moving as well, you may be searching for a healthcare professional to work with that can help you decrease pain and improve your mobility. The two most common to look towards are physiotherapists or chiropractors....
It's a tale as old as time: The year comes to an end, and we look back to go over what we have done over the past 365 days. We identify things that we want to change in our lives to grow and become a better version of ourselves over the next year. We decide the course ...
2022 is here! It's that time of year again, the time of year when everyone realizes their full potential for lifestyle changes, including exercise, eating habits, and decreasing stress. It is vital to incorporate muscle lengthening and release techniques into your ...
If you managed to get up out of bed early in the morning or summon the energy to exercise after a hard day at work, you deserve to get a great workout! After all, no one goes to the gym hoping to get uninspired. At O2 Fitness, we want to give you everything you need to ...
The countdown to Christmas has begun, and the big day is coming up fast! There are only a few days left to shop before it's time to get those gifts wrapped and under the tree. The pressure to get the perfect gift for everyone on your shopping list is real. But when you ...
‘Tis the season with chestnuts roasting on an open fire, Jack Frost nipping at our nose, yuletide carols being sung by a choir, and folks dressed up like Eskimos! It can truly be a magical time of the year. Unfortunately, Jack Frost can be a little mischievous by laying ...
Thanksgiving is the most notorious holiday for sabotaging our diets and our weight loss goals. After all, it only comes around once a year, so why not splurge a little? With a holiday so focused on heavy, filling, comfort foods, it can be a struggle to eat healthy and ...
Why would you hire a personal trainer? Isn't personal training for athletes or for people recovering from injuries? No - personal training has benefits beyond workouts crafted to improve performance! Whether you are just getting started in the gym or a seasoned gym-goer ...